“The soul is the endless breath of life. The fire that pervases the whole body and gives life to man. inspiration striving to good while the flesh tends to sin. Just as the soul revives and strengthens the body, so also the sun and the moon and the other planets warm and strengthen the sky above us with their fire, and therefore give it their power". (St. Hildegarde's note on the soul)
The word contemplation is a combination of the Latin prefix “con” (with) and the root “templum” (sanctuary, temple or holy place). It means deepening, finding and consolidating the bond with the transcendental. Awareness and empowerment through inner peace.
It is a place of inner silence and a spiritual miracle. To silence the mind to allow the original to return again. It is about commitment, awareness and loving attention. It is the highest expression of spiritual life based on respect for the sanctity of life. It originates from an invisible source that cannot be perceived by reason. It is spiritual maturity. Allowing it to work invisibly within us to first “empty” us and then fill us with new awareness. Only in this way can the invisible thread that connects us with our fellow man and the transcendental be opened.
A word is a tone, a vibration. The sound produced when we add voice to the breath. The word is vibration combined with purpose and intention. When we surrender to the words we speak aloud or silently, spiritual power comes alive within us. That’s when an in-depth internal conversation that has a concrete purpose can begin. An inner conversation that is written in the heart. An open heart means constant inner availability, it becomes our life attitude. It is an acquaintance with the transcendental. Inner conversation heals the soul. It protects us. It triggers our confidence that we are here for a purpose. That we are like a miracle, except that we cannot realize it because we do not have the right behavior and tools for it. The inner conversation prepares us to receive answers. On a spiritual level that is above our intellect. Our eyes see differently. Our senses feel differently. We feel a meaning that is beyond the material.
Spiritual imbalance tells us that we need to humble ourselves and admit that we need help. The help we seek with our hearts. Please be patient. The mistakes of several generations have left ingrained patterns in us, which we will begin to eliminate, maybe even completely eliminate for our own good and the good of our children.

Why are Gregorian chants so important for contemplation?
Gregorian chants are a spiritual symphony of inner serenity. Harmony that extends beyond hearing and the materially perceptible world. The chants, with their distinctive melody and spiritual tonality, provide an acoustic backdrop that enhances the contemplative experience of meditation. Each song is imbued with spiritual symbolism and prayer. Gregorian chants are like a bridge between the physical and the spiritual, between the seen and the unseen. Internal conversation through the vibrations of the sound tuned on the basis of 432 Hz. Through the harmony of sound and prayer, it explores, discovers and deepens into the divine mystery. They are a place where the dimension of time stops because it touches eternity. The spiritual becomes palpable. A conversation that fills our soul with peace, silence and gratitude.
Gregorian chants are based on solfeggio frequencies that form a 6-tone scale. The tunes and specific tones of the Solfeggio scale sung in harmony meant a spiritual blessing. Each Solfeggio tone consists of a precisely defined frequency. Today we know the Solfeggio scale as seven descending notes connected to the Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti scale. The original scale used 6 descending notes marked Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La.
The solfeggio scale was first written down by the Benedictine monk Guido d’Arezzo as a tool for easier learning of songs and melodies. The syllables of the scale come from the Hymn to John the Baptist, Ut Queant Laxis, by Paulus Diaconus.