Adam and Eve, Lucas Cranach elder (l.1538)
In the pursuit of elusive happiness and fulfillment of unsatisfied emotions, we have forgotten that we have been given everything we need for a beautiful life.
We were given the conscience to distinguish between what is right and what is not. Free will to choose not to deviate from the right path. Nature, so that we can marvel at its perfection and respect it. Gratitude that we can be sure of our purpose. The awareness that we are not a web of coincidences, but the fruit of love, and we can also find love.
The essence of our house is living in a community made up of responsible, dedicated, humble, patient and courageous people. A community that can help us rekindle a sense of Responsibility. To be able to distinguish between what is right and what is not. To decide not to harm. To know that the perfection of creation is not a web of coincidences. To be aware of our smallness and helplessness. To know what our purpose is and therefore be worthy o happiness.
We are immensely grateful to be able to live and work on such an untouched and vulnerable ecosystem as the Karst. Our aim is to preserve it as it was left to us by our ancestors. Let’s go back home. To the Karst.
Visiting Karst is a responsible endeavor. Responsible to nature and people. To tangible and intangible heritage. Thank you for your responsibility. Thank you for choosing to visit Karst, an unspoiled pearl on planet earth.

From that moment in the Garden of Eden, when a single bite destroyed the harmony of the world, man has tried to walk his own path, to be the master and to build his own kingdom.
Sustainable, conscious, organic and healthy is our only choice. We’re not organic because
it’s modern! Organic cannot be a trend! It is the most natural thing. Organic is the highest level of sustainable development.
It is a personal decision and at the same time acceptance of responsibility towards future
generations and the environment. An organic way of life that doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process. Respect for the environment must be our commitment and responsibility.
Organic food:
Bio mill Stražar: organic flours, seeds, oils,…
Organic farm Ipavec: organic fruit and vegetables
Organic farm Iztok Obad: organic olive oil
Kravos organic delicacies: organic bread and pastries
Organic farm Ivan Kobold: organic raspberries and blueberries
Bufo d.o.o.: organic nuts, dried fruit, cereals,…
Gosad, Peter Rom s.p.: organic frozen fruit
Škapin organic farm: organic cow’s milk products
Organic drinks:
G3 SPIRIT: organic kimbo coffee
ŠLIBAR organic farm: organic beer
SANTEI: organic biodynamic wine
Our cuisine is largely based on plant-based food. The language of plant-based food is simple, original and subtle. Our ancestors recognized and understood this language. They respectfully nurtured and worked the soil and placed tiny seeds and fragile plants in it at the right time. At the same time, they prayed, orientated themselves by the stars, the moon and weather phenomena. They were aware that it is precisely in the fragility of plants and the unpredictability of nature that the great power that keeps us alive is hidden. That one day they will grow into healthy and strong plants that will bear fruit. The fruit of life and survival. Even in our kitchen, we are aware of the power of healthy and energy-filled plant-based food. It is created to be self-sufficient. Perfect. It’s no exaggeration to say, miraculous.
Plant foods are supplemented with dairy products, meat and honey.
In our kitchen, we only use food from certified organic producers – local partners from the Karst and other organic partners from Slovenia. Just because something is homemade doesn’t mean it’s organic. Certification and control guarantee us 100% that everything that comes to us is grown and produced according to organic rules.
Organic agriculture or organic farming is a method of farming that, while producing high-quality and safe food, contributes significantly to the provision of public goods, the preservation of the cultural agricultural landscape and the protection of the entire environment. Due to its natural features, varied landscape structure and rich biodiversity, Slovenia has excellent opportunities for organic farming.
The use of easily soluble mineral fertilizers, chemically synthesized phytopharmaceuticals (pesticides), genetically modified organisms and products obtained from these organisms, and various growth regulators is not permitted. At the state level, uninterrupted and transparent control over the production and processing of crops from field to plate is ensured.
Free parking space is provided for all our guests.
We are big animal lovers. Two dogs and two kittens stay in our hotel. Therefore, domestic animals are welcome. Unfortunately, we are limited regarding the size of the dogs. The maximum size of dogs is up to 10 kg.
Because we know that it is sometimes difficult to find suitable care for your four-legged friend and more and more guests want to travel with their pets, we are happy to accept dogs. However, since there are many different guests in the hotel and since we would like to ensure the comfort and safety of everyone, please observe the following policy which you will sign upon arrival.
Pet Policy:
- It is not allowed to have more than one animals per room at a time.
- Animals must be on a leash or in a carrier when in public areas of the hotel.
- Animals must not be left unattended in the rooms and must not sleep on the bed/couch.
- Animals must be clean while in the rooms – the hotel reserves the right to request reimbursement of cleaning costs if an animal defecates in one of the rooms.
- For safety reasons, the maid will not clean the room if there is an unattended animal in it. If you are in the room with the animal, tie it to a leash or secure it in another way (cage, carrier).
- The owners are responsible for any damage (both material and physical) and stains caused by animals. Biohotel St. Daniel reserves the right to request reimbursement of costs or request payment of an additional night (due to the inability to rent the room) and may request the repair or replacement of damaged items from the owner of the animal.
- Please consider the presence of other guests and limit the noise that the animal could make. If you do not limit the noise, we will be forced to ask you to leave the hotel early.
- The owner is responsible for keeping the hotel areas clean after their pets.
- We reserve the right to charge €100.00 for an unregistered pet.